Season #2

Watch Laughing Vikings LIVE every Wednesday on Facebook and YouTube @ActorsAuditionClub @LaughingVikings

Laughing Vikings' mission is to uplift, inspire and empower a global audience by helping actors and comedians share stories via film and live performances.

Take a look at some of the tools and resources that we personally use www.laughingvikings.com/tools

Learn how one actor went from stressful DIY selftapes to booking a role in a Hollywood blockbuster PLUS 2 series leads in 12 months: www.laughingvikings.com/auditionhero

Actors Audition Club helps actors shooting professional auditions on demand without tech troubles, stress, or bugging family members so that you can focus on your performance and book more roles in TV, Film and Theatre.

Join our priority waitlist to be first notified when we open up the next enrolment: www.laughingvikings.com/join

Connect with us on Instagram: @actorsauditionclub @laughingvikings @larsclassington


50% Complete


Grab a sneak preview of Lars Classington's debut comedy album plus a chance to win tickets to the livestream album release show.